
Saturday, April 7, 2012

Interwiew with Musa Khan Model

My name is Musa, basically I’m from Pakistan, but live in Malaysia, I’m working here, network marketing. I want to present myself az a personalited person. I would like to become a model, because fashion is my passion.  The only problem I am always facing is being short of money. I’m working with my friend, his name is Amir Aslam, he is also a model I have no special results yet, but I’m working on it. Hard wroking is easy to me, and getting money is difficult. I want to be a good busniess man in my future and on my behave!

Found me on Facebook:



 I wish you good and succesful life and great career!


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  1. welcome to my page. MUSA KHAN....!

    1. Anonymous4/17/2012

      my freind is same to you so he will joine /////your bussinus

  2. hey, my name is MUSA Khan.......


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