
Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Interwiew with Fahad Nasir 3D Character Animator and Motiongraphic Artist

I born and live in Karachi. Pakistan. Studied in technical field in my school. I am married and Masha Allah father of a baby girl. Working in a Karachi based production house as a character Animator since December 2007. A very fun loving and adventurous person.  

What inspired you to get into 3d character animating and motiongraphic?
My inspiration towards animation since childhood love with cartoons. But I didn't really know that someday I shall able to make what I love. And by the time the TV medium attracts me. In form of commercial and glamour.

Who inspired you in start?
In start of my career which really inspire me was Disney Pixars animated  movies. And then I start to find out locally how I can learn this thing.

What problems did you face to achieve your career?
Yes there was some problems which I could face was in my local region there was not a stability of this certain field. ( Animation ) and because of lack of interest from peoples I am living in. I should have a disaster. But thanks to Allah it doesn't hurdle me long.

Who have you worked with?
I had pleasure to work with some jewels of this field in Pakistan. I work in the best production house in Pakistan. Named SHARP IMAGE.

What are results of your achievements?
I have a good response from the globe regarding my work via  Internet. I receive great feedback from different peoples all over the world. And I can see a good future.

How do you see the work nowadays in your field, popular or not?
Now days my field is very vast and popular too. For eg. Animated movies, TV commercials, advertisement, all depends on us. There is a big amount of artist working in this field globally. And newbies are willing to join us and imagining a good future for them.

What are your plans for the future?
My plans for future is to became a solo artist and to be a film director where I can provide entertainment , to the peoples globally. And make my own production.

Insha Allah... I wish to this great artist being succesful in his career. Allah bless him!

1 comment:

  1. U have done a good job.may ALLAH bless u and give u strength to achive ur goal


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