
Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Interview with Umair Javaid Model

First of all my name is Umair and I'm from Sialkot Pakistan. I'm a student, and I want to  be a photo shoot model.

How did you get interested in modelling?
Actually I was very interested in photo modelling since my childhood, and I saw a lot of models. I like to change my looks and my personality with some different creations. I think people should choose there field of  work which he or she is really interested in, so that's why I want to be working in this field..

What inspired you to start?

My sir inspired me.. and secondly model Nomi Ansari inspired me.. He is my favorite model.

What problems did you face to achieve your career?

Well  i have not  achieved my career yet. Plus some people don't want to see me as a model, my family fully supports me so i don't care about others .

Who have you worked with?
I hope i will work with famous people in the future.

What are results of your achievements?
Well i have not yet  achieved any platform for which I want to because I want to be a model. But i’m working hard to achieve it.

How do you see the work nowadays in your field difficult or Easy?
Im looking for the best opportunity, and i know that this is not the easiest field.

What are your plans for the future?
My plans I want be a Film and TV serial Director and I'll join university for proper study of this field.. and with wanna be a photo shoot model....

Phone: 03138636489

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