
Friday, July 6, 2012

Interwiew with Tausif Ali Khan the great Semi Classical Singer

Well, my name is Tausif Ali Khan i am a semi classical singer and belongs to Gwalior Gharana. The Gwalior gharana is the same gharana. Im from the 11th generation in that family. 

You have a great profession singing, how you started it?
From the time immemorial. I basically belong to a school of music known as Gwalior Gharana and this school of music remained open 24/7. I used to listen to my maternal grandfather Ustad Wazir Ali khan, my uncle Waheed Ali khan, my illustrious uncles Ustad Hameed Ali khan and Ustad Fateh Ali khan and their pupils. It was the time when I even couldn't speak properly but I used to sit with them and used to listen to their riyaz. I used to try to follow them in that riyaz (practice). And you will be surprised to know that the word which I learnt after learning the common words like mama and baba was malkaunse, I used to say that I will sing malkaunse (a raga). From this my love for music can be ascertained. 

What and who did really inspire you to get into field  music?
My first influence was my maternal grandfather, Ustad manzoor Ali khan, I used to listen to his recordings whole day out and used to copy his vocals which still is in my practice but is a herculean task as well. After that Ustad Wazir Ali khan,my younger maternal grandfather and my uncles namely, Waheed Ali khan. Ustad Hameed Ali khan and Ustad Fateh Ali khan kept on jogging my soul for good music.

What problems did you face to achieve your career?
Well many problems in its a long story so leave that :)

Who have you worked with?  
I am working on my debut album with some very talented musicians and producers like Adnan Daud khan(saraab) and DJ Yawar

What are results of your achievements?
Achievements  depends on your work how you  take it if you are hard worker then its easy if not then its hard to do because music is the language of the soul....... Just wanted to be in the hearts of my fans for long. Well i think people love my work and  that's the biggest achievements for me.

Biography (Tausif Ali Khan)

Tausif Ali was born on 16th October. He belongs to the oldest school of music, namely Gwalior Gharana. The Gharana which produced legends like Mian taan sen, Baba Banne khan, Pyare khan, Ustad Umeed ali khan, Ustad Ghulam rasool khan, Ustad Manzoor ali khan, Ustad Hameed Ali khan and, the taan sen of 21st century, Ustad Fateh ali khan (gwalior).

Tausif himself is the ninth generation in an un-broken lineage of world renowned vocalists. He started learning the art of singing from his uncle the illustrious Ustad Fateh Ali khan(Gwalior) from a very young age and started giving performances with the big names like Abida Parveen and Ustad Fateh Ali khan(Gwalior) himself. He also had an honour to render a performance before Malka-e-taranum Noor jahan in a private gathering when he was only seven.

Tausif Ali has a wide experience of great stages at a very young age. He has a very good control over his wide ranged voice. He basically is a Classical-based singer and renders khyal, thumri, kafi, folk and ghazals by putting his idiosyncratic touch in them which gives them a unique flavour. He also renders the musical genres which are in rage these days with equal ease.

Presently, he is working on his debut album in which he has used his experience of Classical music. He has fused it with different genres like rock, pop, techno, jazz etc to suite the taste of a modern listener. His debut album will be show-cased in the market by 2012. In which he has chosen a few things from the soil of our heredity but with a difference and some novel experiments. 
Mixed and mastered by Mr Aakash Jaitly from India....


Tausif Ali khan

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  1. i hope Tauseef Bhai visits my studio soon ...... he is very good singer may .... Tauseef Bhai May Allah reach you to the top in the music industry ..... Ameen

  2. Great reading, thanks! Sometimes I just happen to stumble over info that arrives in a timely manner. Spot on!!


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