
Friday, July 27, 2012

Interwiew with Ahmed Waqar Poetry and FreeLance Writer/Director/Producer & Art Promotor

I am Ahmed Waqar, Poet, Writer and Director or art movies and Documentary Films.......by birth I am from Lahore but now a days i am running my own business in Ontario Canada...My Date Of Birth Is 27th  May and I am Gemini.

When did poetry started to interest you?
Actually when u see in the world the people are suffering from many inner problems poetry begin to grow in side you.......I don't remember when i feel the deep emotions of love, hate and unfaithfulness of our society.

What themes and topics do you write about?
I wrote on love and deep feelings of true love......which is belong your  deep thoughts

What results did you have? (book, a publication, etc.)
My two books are in the market which are WAFA KUCH B NAHIN aur WAFA K DUKH....

What's your opinion about poetry nowadays? Do people like poetry?
Yes poetry has his own place in peoples heart, because poetry is the true presenter of love and your  inner perspective...

What plans do you have for the future?
To make art films, documentary films, discover hidden worlds and so on.........

Where did you get your inspiration from?
If I avoid lying I am totally inspire from Shoaib Mansoor sahib, Priya Darshan Sahiba and W.Shakespeare.

What was the most challenging event you have planned in the past ?
Every event which was arranged in Pakistan is always challenging for me due to us supported circumstances.

Please give convey a message for the people who are related to your field of work plus for the people who are new and want to get into the field of Event Management ?
I have only one message work hard but hope for little then you will not depressed....

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