
Monday, May 7, 2012

Interwiew with Zeeshan Jam Model

This is Zeeshan here. As far as my education background concerned I am doing my graduation from Karachi University. When it comes to my nature I am conscious, pragmatic and multi-talented. Interesting books are also interest me.

How did you get interested in modeling?
I have been interested since I was a child when I saw models on tv shows and commercials. I usually like the glamorous life and also  people telling me i look like a model i'm tall with long legs, I have a wonderful smile and it is more about em intelligent and have a good attitude. Therefore I intend to utilize these abilities in modelling and people kept saying i should go for modelling. So i did.

What inspired you to start?
My inspiration comes from two things 1. People around me 2. My Idol Imran Abbas. I wanted to show people that I wasn't talentless and as big of a waste of life as they thought...i wanted to prove them wrong, and show them that i was good at SOMETHING..

What problems did you face to achieve your career?
When you love something with heart and soul you can do everything, there were many things which troubled me but I just ignored all the things and  listen and follow my heart.

Who have you worked with?
I have been working with the modeling agency namely Hyphernz Talent which is a platform where new models are achieving their goals.

What are results of your achievements?
This field is so vast and everyone is proving their skills and abilities, so in this way I can't turn up anything. I didn't achieve anything from this field yet but It's my belief that day is not far away when I achieved everything from my field.

How do you see the work nowadays in your field difficult or Easy?
As nowadays there are more and more models are using their skills in.so it is a  complicated field.you can come in easily but it is hard to keep in.

What are your plans for the future?
I want to become a supermodel. Nothing extraordinary, it's my dream but as much important as to fight for them too.

Found me on Facebook:

I wish you succesful career Zeeshan!

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