
Thursday, May 3, 2012

Interwiew with Saad Ali Younis Model

My name is Saad Ali Younis, I’m 20 years old. I am from Karachi. I am an engineer. I love art and I can dance really well. Modeling is my passion and I wanted to be a part of this industry. My height is 6ft.

How did you get interested in modelling?
Ever since I grew up, I used to watch the billboard hoarding alongside roads, watching commercials on televisions then after all this people talking about those faces. I always wanted people to know who Saad is ..

What inspired you to start?
I am not someone who would want fame at any cost. But I want fame, who doesn’t want? Its all which made me feel “Yess – if other people did it then why can’t mee too”. Then few of my friends were in this field. Provided me a kick start!!

What problems did you face to achieve your career?
I am still struggling to be where I want to, sky is the limit for me! Obviously people here in our country hesitate to invest on new faces, exceptions are there .. Due to these exceptions I got chances and tried my best to cash every opportunity. A lot of competition is there, Hence I faced a lot of problems but the best part – Loved each bit of it.

Who have you worked with?
Have worked with few production houses, I did a portfolio with Saibi Mustafa.. Keen to work more, more and more.

What are result of your achievements?
Results are not significant till now but, I am gaining popularity among production houses and people, and there are a lot of achievements yet to achieve.. I see a ray of success!!

How do you see the work nowadays in your field difficult or easy?
I believe its how one takes it.. nothing is difficult till you make it difficult for yourself!! Once you tend to enjoy it, it’s the best thing :D but yes you have to work really hard because of the competition and its not that easy.

What are your plans for the future?
I like to keep it simple for me.. As I m still a student of fashion world I would want to learn more and keep working as hard as possible making short term goals.  

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