
Monday, May 7, 2012

Interwiew with Arif Khan Model

Hi this is Arif Khan From Rawalpindi-Pakistan. I'm a Graduate Student and a Model by Profession as well . My Age is 2yrs  and I'm 6ft tall. I have 2 brothers and 2 Sisters and I Love my Mom and Dad a lot.I'm very friendly to everyone but the most shy guy about emotions ha ha ha.

How did you get interested in modelling?
Actually when i was studying in College some of my friends was calling me a "Model" Because of my height and Walking style. so then i decided that i should take a step forward to become a Model, and I did.

What inspired you to start?
The Fashion,Walking style and attitude of the Models Inspired me to start Modeling

What problems did you face to achieve your career?
I have Faced many problems During this Modeling career, like to find out the address of auditions places, many days spent out of my Home, and specially it was so difficult for me to manage my Studies with modeling.

Who have you worked with?
I have worked with Razi Aslam (Photographer) and it was such a great pleasure for me. I really respect him Because he is a great person, and i didn't find anyone else like him.

What are results of your achievements?
My Achievements are that i have performed many Ramp shows with different designers like Zeeshan Sheikh, Huda Khan and many Mores. and i have performed in Zong Tv commercial too.

How do you see the work nowadays in your field difficult or Easy?
Well in start i found that it's so difficult and hardworking and i was thinking that i should quite, But with the passage of time and with grace of Allah Almighty i have manage myself with this work. and now its very easy for me Because I'm useful to it 

What are your plans for the future ?
I love modeling and I'm very passionate about it. so i have planed that I'll do modeling as maximum as i can, after that i will turn from Modeling to Acting, i would love to be an actor and its my aim. now its up to Allah that what he have Planned for me.

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