
Saturday, April 28, 2012

Interwiew with Zohab Arfin Musician

I am just an ordinary person with ordinary dreams. Music is a Major part of my life. I am 20 years old and I am doing A levels. That's about it =)

How did you start interest of music?
Curiosity, I used to see people play it and then one day My Brother bought a guitar. He wanted to learn how to play it, but he got busy in his life so he couldn’t and I thought that I should give it a try.;)

Who inspired you in start?
Many amazing personalities like Junoon, Noori, Strings, and the list goes on

Which things were hard in your career?
Nothing is easy in this life; you always have to work hard for everything, for me, the hardest thing was the start, I didn’t know whether I will get the support or not.

How you see this work nowadays easy or hard?
I would say that music can never be easy, it take A LOT OF HARD WORK to produce and make music. In my opinion, A Person CANNOT call himself a Musician if he hasn’t done any Production work.

What are your future plans?
I Have a LOT of Songs to produce and A Lot of Concerts to do. I will be Releasing my Next Song Probably in summer, so for updates do check my page. 

Found me on Facebook:

I wish you succesful career!

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