
Friday, April 20, 2012

Interwiew with Waqas Shazad Photographer

What inspired you to get into photography ?
I always wanted to capture every moment of my life... that's the reason that i got into photography.

How do you see the work nowadays in your field, popular or not?
The major problem i faced was that i did not  have budget to buy  a camera...

Who have you worked with?
I worked with different add agencies and production houses... following are links of fashion shoots done by myself.

What are results of your achievements?
The result of my achievements is that now i am famous in Islamabad... and now i am working in Karachi.

How do you see the work nowadays in your field, popular or not? 
I am seeing  my work now a days very popular..

What are your plans for the future?
My plans for the future is that I want to get more lenses and want to make my proper studio and want to become top photographer in Pakistan.

Found me on Facebook:

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