
Sunday, April 8, 2012

Interwiew with Saad Qaiser Model

I am Saad, I live in Pakistan, in Lahore I am studying associates of cost and management accountancy.

How did you get interested in modelling?
I has always been my passion to do modelling or work in dramas.

What  inspired you to start?
Many things inspired me but what I want to mention is the charm of bieng a model.

What problems did you face to achieve your career?
I am facing many problems like I have no one to support me.

Who have you worked with?
I am not working with anyone I am trying to start my own photoshot production.

What are results of your achievements?
The achivements that I have I am getting good feed back now I am buying my own professional camera.

How do you see the work nowadays in your field difficult  or Easy?
Well I think work is difficult cause there is alot of competition.

What are your plans for the future?
Well my plans are to start my own production.

Found me on Facebook:


I wish you succesful career Allah bless you!

Enhanced by Zemanta


  1. Namrah8/16/2012

    Awesome Saad!!! Gosh u look stunning in all these pics :) All the very best to you :)....u have my blessings with ya ;) :D Lub Y3u <3

  2. Anonymous8/16/2012

    nyc piks saad may God bless u.................. u look v good in all outfitss :)

    1. Anonymous8/16/2012

      watta man.. u got the great looks Saad.. a brave heart that u have will leads you to fullfill ur dream..not wondering if someday u will have your own production.. aja aja aja.. my vote will be yours..


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