
Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Interwiew with Fahad Amin the talented Model

I am an intelligent student as well as a good athlete. I got many distinctions in academic carrier.

How did you get interested in modelling?
I don't really remember when. But when I was a kid, I used to see the models on the catwalks. I love ther fame they enjoy.so much in searching of that fame, I am in this field.

What  inspired you to start?
Few friends of mine in this field inspired me to get started.

What problems did you face to achieve your career?
Major problem was my parents, As they don't like this field much and want me to drive the smooth road being an engineer.

Who have you worked with?
I have worked with ZEe exclusive for once AS I am a beginner.

What are results of your achievements?
One of the result is, I am giving you an interview, more results expected soon

How do you see the work nowadays in your field difficult  or Easy?
As nowadays there are more and more models coming in.so it is a pretty much difficult field.you can enter in easily but it is hard to stay.

What are your plans for the future?
In the future I want to be that people used to relate.

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