
Friday, April 13, 2012

Interwiew with Aneeq Tariq Model

My name is Syed Aneeq Tariq, date of birth : 15 may 1993, my activities : modelling, acting, web developing, Swimming, and other games, birth place : Pakistan Karachi.

How did you get interested in modelling and acting?
Because i have beautiful face, long height, confidence and speaking skills, and i like fashion very much.

What inspired you to start?
Nothing much one night i was just sit alone in my bedroom and was watching the Lux fashion week on style360 channel then suddenly i have decided that one day i will also go there and peoples will watch me.

What problems did you face to achieve your career?
I have face 2 big problems like i was interested in modelling and acting but my mom and dad was not giving me the permission so then i had to  convince my MOM and DAD and my problem was solved. After some days i have face another problem in my modelling career and the problem was from me because my portfolio was not looking good. and then 1 more time i was spend 30 thousand for make new portfolio, and now thanks of Allah I'm a big model and actor.

Who have you worked with?
After i came in modelling then i have worked with Huma Adnan. She's one of the best photographer in Lahore, and she introduced the new face in showbiz.

What are results of your achievements?
My achievements results are too much good because I'm too much talented person in showbiz and showbiz need talented person.

How do you see the work nowadays in your field difficult or Easy?
Easy but in this condition if you do your work properly and carefully and honestly and if you say this work is not easy then you are wrong because every work is not easy but we can make easy work.

What are your plans for the future?
My future plans are to make my own movie on the international level and do world premiere of my movie and become a top actor in Pakistan showbiz.

Found me on facebook:



I wish you succesful future!

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