
Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Interwiew with Ahmad Murtaza the Host

I am Ahmad Murtaza .....passing through 20th year of my life and 14th year of my education,,,doing B.sc hons in economics from gcu Lahore....belongs to OKARA city and em a son of a land lord.....loves artistic work, decorating, designing, painting and hosting is my passion.....
i am  an English debater...have won the title of best English speaker in Okara district in Chief Minister’s debating programme since my school i was very much into stage performances like hosting, speeches, debates and skits as well.....

How did you get interested in hosting?
its because the decorum of my school CHRIST CHURCH SCHOOL OKARA......every morning they  provide their students with a platform to come and speak up....this thing provoked me and made me close to the mice and i got interested in hosting.

How do you see the work nowadays in difficult or Easy?
its quiet difficult i guess....cause  there is a lot of competition and favouritism as well and every body wants to be the best.......but i believe that there is always a place at the top and by hard work and strong faith in ALLAH one can get that position but one must have patience.

What are your plans for the future?
I have a plan of doing something in fashion designing and yes.....above all i am so much passionate to be a host.....i want to be a good host ...that's what i always dream about......

Found me on Facebook


I wish you be succesful!
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  1. INSHALLAH, u'll be a best host one day..! ;) Nd that day i wanna c ur Api Walk... lolx... :D

  2. Dynamite portfolio... :)


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