
Thursday, March 8, 2012

"The Neighbours Day"

One of my organised occasion:

„The Neighbours Day”

Before I start, I would like to tell you a little about to our neighbours around our Mosque here  in my country.

The neighbours here who are living around the Mosques  have a very different concept or image about Muslims. People thought that Muslims are no good people   and  were afraid to keep any sought of interaction. As you know the Media has portrait  a different image about the Muslims in the World and so for these reasons people  the think that we were their greatest enemies.

I decided that we will change the minds of our neighbours. So the people here in the mosque put there heads together and  decided that we should make room  into the hearts of our neighbours, which will gives us all an opportunity to get to know each other, and get closer to each other and  prove to them Muslims are not bad people. 

  In 2010 we organised a small occasion and invited to all our neighbours by sending them invitations from which we only 2 guests a couple had come, we treated them so much hospitality that were so impressed that they said " we had a different image about you people ". This was our success ..... !

So the Mosque gave me the responsibility of organising  the whole occasion yearly.

Oh yes by the way, I forgot to mention , that on the morning of the occasion, the organisations president received a threat through a email. saying  that he will come and shoot all of us, both organnisers and guests, we were a bit nervous, but weren't afraid at all, because we fear only Allah, and thank Him, He kept us safe and moreover, gave us success Alhamdulillah.

This  occasion took place in the premises of the Mosques garden and we also had  an Islamic exhibition in the Mosque garage.
We showed the hospitality, kindness and true morals of a muslim community or a muslim individual.
We gave 2 short presentation (lectures) about „Neighbourhood is Islam” and „Muslims public appearences in Hungary”. We also invited a Munshed (singer) to entertain  the guests. We also made arrangements for a reception treat for our neighbours with turkish cuisine and arabic sweets and made an international tea house. Also our guests were able to have anything written with arabic calligraphy by some good calligrapher brothers at our calligraphy corner.
The guests had also an opprtunity to have light shit-chat or do dive deep in some topics related to islam and etc.
Thanks To Allah , the guest were so engrossed that they did not want to leave, always had a new idea or a new topic to discuss and talking circles were created, were everybody could express his/her feelings, opinions and could gain new knowledge and true informations about islam. We had over 40 neighbours and from all over Budapest, the capital city of Hungary.

All our guests left the Mosque with hands full with gifts and with hearts full of positive opinions.

The Occasion was very succesful thank Allah, Who accepted our honest intensions, 
Next occasion coming soon in May 2012, insha Allah.

Covering the garage's inside, to make it acceptable :)

Checking smells :)

Kids gave us helping hands and also enjoyed themselves

Some peaces of the exhibited clothes

A big mess. Yet.

Getting the garage in shape
We left no empty spaces at all!!


Books and brochures. Also as gifts

The main organiser: Me

Calligraphy corner

Excited anticipation of the start of the program
Our dear neighbours
The president, of the Organisation. The boss of bosses :P

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