
Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Interwiew with Muhammad Ammad Ul Mateen the Great Photographer

I have a  very calm and smooth personality. I am very simple and down to earth but a very selective person, I take decision  after too much of thinking. I am very friendly and loving type of person, I like the company of my friends. I love my family, I believe that God is love and being human I should treat people with love because I expect love from other so I do that myself first.

How did you get into  photography?
I have interest from my childhood, photography is passion for me.

Who inspired you the most in the beginning?
When i started photography, Tapu Javairi & Sami ur Rahman's work touched me. I really love the way they work. Both inspired me with their quality of work.

What are  things that were  not easy in your carrier?
As i have been worked in the past, i did not face any problem, everything was quite easy. Just i put all my efforts and God pushed me ahead.

Who did you worked with?
When i started my work, there was nobody with me.

What is your opinion about Pakistani and Western trends?
As i am a Pakistani photographer and i started work here in Pakistan. I don't know much about difference between Pakistani and Western Photography but as i am working hard, i would love to work with the Western as well.

How you see this work nowadays: popular or not?
I am professional photographer and work daily with different people, i have seen this work going high day by day.

What are your future plans?
Well, i am very passionate about photography, my future plan to up left my work, polish myself through work with experienced photographer. I want to work all fields of photography, i don't want to bound myself in specific work. I have plan to make real pictures, i love nature. I will perform like brilliant student. I want raise social issue as well through my photography.

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