
Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Interwiew with Imran Hayat Musician

About Imran

very attractive because of their passionate and self confident personalities...............
If you are in a relationship with an me, or want to be then you'll need to have a lot of energy to keep up with me. I have boundless energy, (think Labrador puppy) and are never still for very long. I hate routine and love unexpected surprises. Suggest energetic activities together, particularly with a competitive element and will be excited enough to want to keep you around.

Awarded as a BEST KEYBOARDIST of Hyderabad from Pakistan Music Council Hyderabad in 2001.
A number of Awards from different occasion held by school, college, Universities in Music.Performed in many seminars, sanitariums, stage shows, programs through Government, semi Government and private sectors.
Performed as a keyboardist & backing vocalist with various fabulist national / international singers. (Ahmed Jahzenb, Jawwad Ahmed, Shaiq Roomi, Saleem Javed, Hassan Jahngeer, Shehzad Roey, Naeem Abbas Roofi, Shakila Khurasani, etc)
I have composed many songs for many artists.


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