
Monday, March 5, 2012

Interwiew with Hasan Shirazi Rock Musician

Interwiew with Hasan Shirazi Rock Musician

• Tell something about your personality, what kind of person are you?
Im a very fun loving open minded person.

• How did you start interest of music?

well i started interest in music because of my freinds thay use to play guitar and listen to rock music everytime, it was defleppard's song "Hysteria" which interested me in listening to rock music.

• Which things was not easy in your carrier?

Taking music as a career is not easy, its really easy to compose songs on guitar in ur room but its really hard to record it and produce it which really takes time and lots of hard work.

• What is your result now?

Result now is quite good and im musch satisfied cause i do all the stuff from composing, recording to music videos. All i do by myself.

• Who you worked with?

Im a solo i never worked with anyone.

• How you see this work nowadays easy or hard?

Now a days work is easy and hard as well, easy is because you have so many ways to promote your music and hard is because everyone is doing that and thats why music lost its charm specially rock music.

• What are your future plans?
Well... i never think about future plans just go with a flow.

See and listen more:  

1 comment:

  1. i just love his work , it inspire me alot & i love to write on his theme


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